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8-40 characters long. Include at least one number and one capital letter.
We just sent a temporary access code to [email protected]. Check your inbox and enter the code below.
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To prevent fraud and abuse of our site, we need to know your real name and date of birth as they appear on your government-issued ID.
Is Name Surname your legal name, and did you enter your correct birthday?
Where you want to advertise.
To advertise on Gaymassage you require to upload an image of your ID.
e.g include an image of your passport or driver's license.
We cannot accept ID's except those issues by your home country
Requirements for files: - Maximum file size is 10Mb. - Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
Drag and drop files or Browse
You will not be charged until your first billing month which is February 1st 2024 or the date on which you change your membership type.
First payment of $100 for Gold Membership will be taken on March 13th 2025.
Requirements for photos: - Maximum file size is 10Mb. - Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png.